“We are planning to use the power of this new Web site to dramatically grow our membership and our legislative clout, and provide new tools that SBAM members can use to influence the legislative process,” says SBAM President and CEO Rob Fowler. “Through the power of social networking and online collaboration, we’re going to allow small business owners to come together in a genuine, useful and valuable online community.”
Highlights of the new Web site include:
- A reorganized Resources section to help members take better advantage of SBAM’s many money-and-time-saving products and services.
- Comments. Every SBAM member can post comments on all Web site articles.
- Forums that provide discussion threads on all kinds of subjects important to the success of small business.
- The SBAM Power Boost Blog, updated daily by SBAM staff and leaders, that provides specific, real world suggestions on how to better run your small business operation.
- Rich audio-visual content, like the weekly Champion podcast, that leverages the expertise of SBAM staff and members.
- An interactive membership directory that lets small business owners connect to their fellow SBAM members and find business locations on a Google map.
- A new Action section that helps members get personally involved to make a difference in the legislative battles SBAM is fighting on their behalf in Lansing and Washington, D.C.
- Built-in social networking links that allow members to post Web site content to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and dozens of other choices.
- Hot Topics that tell members what other visitors to the SBAM Web are viewing and reading.
- A My Profile section that allows members to conveniently update their online profile.
The new, redesigned SBAM Web site can be found at www.sbam.org.
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