MyPerfectResume surveyed nearly 2,000 Americans, finding that 80% predict 2024 will be the year workers stay with their current employers.
Given the waves of layoffs since the end of 2023 and into the first months of this year, it’s unsurprising that workers seem more hesitant to job hop. On top of that, 45% of survey respondents predict that the number of remote job openings will drop, too, making the labor market even less attractive to job seekers.
According to MyPerfectResume, 70% believe re-skilling will be necessary, while 74% believe work experience will be more important than a college degree. However, employees do not expect to upskill on their own: 72% of survey respondents want their companies to embrace mentorship and coaching programs.
If the “Big Stay” is about workers sticking around, then employers will want to ensure their company is a place worth sticking with. Over 80% of workers believe organizations will further invest in mental health and well-being programs, and 79% believe DEI efforts will become a bigger priority this year. Further, 71% of workers expect that more companies will include salary information in their job postings.
Source: EBN 2/23/24
Courtesy of SBAM-approved partner, ASE.
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