By Heather Nezich, courtesy of SBAM Approved Partner ASE
COVID-19 has caused much stress for all of us. Work normally done in an office environment is now being done at home, surrounded by family for many. Lives been altered, and the fear of the unknown can be overbearing. Many may feel they have lost control. But you still have control and choices, they have just changed.
The following list was compiled by Diane Johnston, a psychotherapist in Rochester, MI. It contains ways to cope with the new challenges and stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. Get good rest. Keep a good sleep schedule and try to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep if possible.
2. Eat healthy foods. At this time, it is essential to try to eat healthy, less processed foods to get the nutrients we need to fight stress.
3. Exercise. Get some sort of stress release such as walking, yoga, biking, or running. Do what works for you. 10 minutes a day is better than nothing.
4. Set boundaries. At this time, we cannot be everything to everyone. We can have compassion for others, but we cannot walk in the stuff they are in because we all have our own stress and struggle.
5. Avoid excess exposure to media and social media.
6. Keep in touch with those who support you at home and at work.
7. Be present in what you are doing, and don’t work 24/7.
8. Make a to-do list.
9. Keep a routine.
10. Most of all breathe and practice self-care. We have to take care of ourselves to protect us for the long haul. Make stress and anxiety the copilot and make your strongest self the pilot in charge.
To download a stress exploration worksheet, click here. Self-care tips are also available here. For more information, including mental health groups, visit djohnstoncounseling.com.