By Linda Olejniczak, courtesy of SBAM Approved Partner ASE
You’ve likely heard all these sayings before: auto-pilot, going through the motions, and ground hog day. News flash – if this is how your employees describe their work, you have complacent employees. Complacent employees can negatively impact the entire team and stir up many problems on the job.
Health and safety has been at the top of all organizations’ to-do lists. When an employee becomes complacent, they might skip safety procedures. Those small, missed steps can eventually add up to some big issues. Between safety and COVID procedures it is important for the safety of your employees that everyone follows all the safety guidelines.
Complacency can bring down morale. This is not the energy that inspires new ideas. It also contributes to a loss of productivity. If steps are missed or communication is not happening between employees, job satisfaction and quality levels will start plunging.
Knowing the signs of complacent employees may help you recognize it quicker and understand how to reengage those employees.
Complacent employees participate less, and it may seem that they have lost interest and their excitement for the job. Engaged employees will take initiative to suggest changes, take on new responsibilities, and are creative.
It’s time to reengage with your complacent employees. Go back to basics. Share what makes your company great. Share your goals and mission to build a bond with each employee.
If many of your jobs involve repetitive work, get your employees involved in other projects to switch things up. You may receive feedback that improves efficiency and morale.
Safety is important in any work environment. Make sure your organization completes risk assessments to review processes on a regular basis. This will ensure that everyone in the workplace is alert and stays safe.
Offering each employee a way to move forward in their career can certainly help individuals who may feel stuck. Offering training and identifying a career path helps employees stay motivated.
Complacent employees are the opposite of what all organizations strive for. Complacency happens when people don’t see a need to improve and reach their maximum potential, so they just go through the motions without putting much effort into their work. Offer challenges to your team members to keep them motivated. Allow for feedback and provide growth opportunities so everyone knows what they are working towards.