By Linda Olejniczak, courtesy of SBAM Approved Partner ASE
Many employers are grappling with how to help workers and their families balance work and their children’s education. As the first day of school approaches – employers are learning how to provide support by getting creative.
In a recent Fortune article two banking giants rolled out new benefits to parents trying to juggle childcare, homeschooling, and working during a pandemic.
Citigroup Inc. will offer employees discounts on test preparation and tutoring services. Bank of America Corp. is extending backup childcare payments for staff with children as old as 12.
While you may not be able to afford new benefits for your plan, you can continue to educate your employees on ideas to assist them with the back to school roller coaster.
Device Drive
Host a tech drive to help employees who may need an extra device or equipment to help their kids with school.
Garage Sale
More of an in-office sale. Does your organization have extra chairs, desks, technology, or office supplies that are taking up space? Have a sale to help your employees and their kids have a great remote work and school experience.
Flexible Work
Managers, HR, and employees need to have conversations on what a flexible schedule looks like for your organization. Does it mean moving the regular Monday 8am meeting to 10am so employees can get their children’s school day going? Can you allow employees to switch to a different shift? Can you allow your workforce to work ½ days at the office and ½ a day remote? Can you create a job share program? Be creative and flexible.
Distribute articles and guidelines on tips and tricks for developing new habits and routines for remote or in-person school. Below are several helpful links:
All this uncertainty is tough on all your employees not just those that are parents. If you set up a committee or task force on this topic, make sure you include all levels of your workforce – including employees who do not have school age children.
This is not one size fits all solution. It will continue to change during the school year. Stakeholders should work together try to come up with creative solutions. Who knows you may just come up with a long-term solution that makes your organization a great place to work for years to come!
You Don’t Have To Go It Alone.
Sylvan Learning’s Supplemental Education Programs can help your employees make the best of the new school year!