October 2022 Edition
US DOL Issue
On October 11, 2022, the US Department of Labor (DOL) announced a proposed rule that would rescind the existing pro-small business independent contractor analysis and replace it with a needlessly complicated and restrictive system for determining employee or independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
This proposed DOL rule would have dramatic negative impacts on entrepreneurs operating as independent contractors and on small businesses who use independent contractors. The Small Business Association of Michigan has a longstanding position against government restrictions on entrepreneurs wishing to operate as independent contractors.
Take action now! The public comment period is open and closes November 28th. To learn more about this issue, and submit a public comment on behalf of your business, visit our website.
SBAM’s Newest Member Benefit: SBAM Advocacy Champions
This month, SBAM has launched our latest member benefit. SBAM Advocacy Champions is a way for our membership to strengthen their own voice and fine tune their advocacy skills. Whether you’re wanting tips and tricks on testifying in committee, media training, understanding different board and commission opportunities at the state level, or wanting to get on the campaign trail- SBAM advocacy champions has you covered!
We kicked off our first session on general advocacy earlier this month. Special thanks to Ginny Sherrow, Owner of Fenton Winery & Brewery, who gave expert advice on testifying in committee and communicating with legislators. To learn more about this benefit, visit our website.
To get involved, reach out to SBAM’s Director of Government Operations Alexa Kramer or Executive Advisor & Director of Office Administration Kelli Saunders.
Tri Share Stakeholder Meeting
SBAM was invited to a sneak peak presentation on the tri-share program evaluation. SBAM was a founder of the tri-share program that splits the cost of child care between state, employer and employee. The program has had great traction and the evaluation reflected its early successes.
SBAM was asked to sit on a group that is tasked with looking at policies and procedures to ensure the continued success of this program as it expands. We are excited to provide solutions to our small business members that help them retain and attract the best talent by tackling a barrier to workforce participation- the cost of child care.
Questions on tri-share or want to get your business involved? Reach out to Alexa Kramer at alexa.kramer@sbam.org.
Endorsements & Voter Guide
Election day is tomorrow! Check out SBAM’s voter guide and endorsed candidate list before you head to the polls.