SBAM says businesses have cut back – government and schools must also sacrifice
September 30, 2009

Lawmakers and the governor are under a midnight deadline to complete the state budget. Michigan small business owners need to know that many legislators from both sides of the aisle are wavering in their support of budget bills that include modest cuts to education programs that have been largely held harmless for a decade. If these cuts are not made, small businesses are in jeopardy of getting slapped with another last-minute tax increase like occurred two years ago.
SBAM believes that at a time when many public school districts have multi-million dollar fund balances, it’s not too much to ask them to accept a 3% cut. After all, Michigan’s budget deficit is severe — $2.8 billion of a $9 billion general fund. And for the last ten years, the Legislature and Governor have largely been able to shield public schools from the pain of the ongoing economic crisis. But today, when many other programs are facing outright elimination (never mind modest cuts), small business owners need to take action RIGHT NOW to ask state government to make the responsible decision and live within their means.
(photo by jimbowen0306)