Letter template courtesy SBAM Approved Partner ASE
If your business received Paycheck Protection Program funds, and is in the position to call back its employees after being furloughed, here is a sample letter you can customize that will help provide details and clarity on the process.
Dear __________,
Our business has received a loan from the Paycheck Protection Program that allows us to start up work again . You are requested to return to work at [date and time]. If you fail to return to work, we are required to report it to the Unemployment Insurance Agency. If you have a legitimate reason for not returning to work, please notify us as soon as possible.
To provide as safe a work environment as possible [company name] is implementing the following mitigation practices. We are taking these measures because we take your safety seriously and because they are advised by the State of Michigan and federal authorities:
1. We will implement social distancing, not only in the workplace, but when entering and exiting the work facility.
2. We will providing face coverings. We request employees wear face coverings while at work.
3. Please wash your hands regularly.
3. The company is implementing regular cleaning and sanitizing of work areas and encouraging workers to clean and sanitize common work areas after use if using the furniture or equipment. This includes commonly used furniture and equipment (copiers, scanners, tools, door handles, light switches, etc.).
4. We will be monitoring employee health including taking your temperature daily and observing for Coronavirus symptoms. Where symptoms are observed the employee will be told to go home for the required quarantined period (14 days) and/or get tested for Coronavirus. In order to return to work sooner than 14 days, the employee must present a negative test result from an licensed health care provider.
5. We will follow recommended government and Center for Disease Control (CDC) protocols in the event a worker tests positive for Coronavirus including notifying employees of the contact incident.
[NOTE: Above safety protocols should be modified to what the business actually practices]
Should you have any questions please contact _______________________________.